Personals & Qualifications

I am a dedicated horse rider and trainer and have specialised in veterinary physiotherapy and acupuncture out of the belief that only a healthy horse is able to perform at its best. I have undertaken rigorous training and achieved internationally recognised qualifications from renowned organizations and institutes. I have been living and working in the Middle East for the last 5 years, now being based in Qatar offering a variety of equine services within the Middle East.

Physiotherapy & Acupuncture

I qualified with a Degree of Horse Physiotherapy awarded by the German Institute for Horse Osteopathy (DIPO) in Germany and with a Degree of Horse Acupuncture awarded by the German School of Paracelsus.

Horse Training & Rehabilitation

Being an enthusiastic rider for more than 25 years, I have trained horses of all breeds and various disciplines and participated in international horse shows of big scale. I accompany horses in their process of rehabilitation and work alongside owners, trainers and riders to bring horses back into their working routine.

Riding Instructions

As a horse can only perform as well as its rider is able to fine-tune the commands, training the rider is one of the most important pillars in equestrian sport. As a licensed International Horse Riding Instructor I teach horse riding from beginner to advanced level.

About me About me